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It's been a while...

Cartoon cow chewing grass

You may have noticed that I disappeared for a while...quite a while in fact! Well, having a baby will do that to you! I'm now a mum of two and life has finally settled down enough that I can even contemplate thinking of things other than nappies, sleep and where I put the bloomin wet wipes!

Needless to say it may still take me a while to get my book mojo back - I'm still very much sleep-deprived, but I'm hoping to be able to write a few more blog posts when I can.

Redway Books is changing. I've got a few ideas. I want to branch out a bit more. I'm exploring other book suppliers (in the meantime my Scholastic shop is still very much open) and I'm hoping to start selling other goods too such as toys and educational materials.

You may know that I am a former primary school teacher. I love education and I still spend a lot of time reading about child development and learning. I'm hoping to share a lot more ideas, strategies and tools for exploring a range of different subjects, not just reading. But of course books and spreading the joy of reading will always be the backbone of what I'm doing here.

Let me know if you have any ideas of what you would like to see in the future here on Redway Books :)

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